Author: Ed Maixner
Ed started life on a small diversified farm in Rainy Butte Township of sparsely populated Slope County, N.D. Catch bits of his beginnings in "Flying M," a farm kid memoir. He ventured into journalism at North Dakota State University in the late 1960s, wrote for The Forum (now INFORUM) in Fargo and earned his requisite Unheralded stripes at the Grand Forks Herald and Agweek in the late 1980s, then headed to Capitol Hill to help Sen. Byron Dorgan with his legislation. Well-toasted after six years there, Ed jumped back into the frying pan as online news delivery was rounding first base and spent his last decade of full-time labor as Kiplinger agriculture/foods editor. He has long been active with North American Agricultural Journalists and still writes stories for Agri-Pulse Communications. Thus, an occupational life largely of writing and agriculture. He does some organic gardening and tending to his wife's greenhouse plants at home near Dulles Airport in Virginia. So he never fully left the farm, and he says that's a good thing.