
About US: We are one week old and growing…

Unheralded.Fish will enter its second week of publication on Tuesday.

Staff writers have used Facebook to advertise the launch and already, hundreds of readers have discovered us.  We’ve got a few surprises in store this week.  Unheralded.Fish welcomes Tim Madigan, whose blog debuts today. To us, it’s an honor and privilege to include his blog on our site.

A little bit about Tim:

Madigan is a Crookston, Minn., native and University of North Dakota grad who cut his journalism teeth in the Grand Forks Herald sports department. Professionally, he covered the police beat at Odessa, Texas and eventually landed at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where he became one of the state’s most decorated journalists.

Madigan has written several books including “See No Evil: Blind Devotion and Bloodshed in David Koresh’s Holy War,” “The Burning, Massacre, Destruction and Tulsa Race Riot in 1921,” and “I’m Proud of You: My Friendship With Fred Rogers.” All are critically acclaimed books. He’s consulting on a movie based on “I’m Proud of You…”

Throughout the week you will see the introduction of some new faces. All are former journalists who passed through the Herald’s doors. A few of the names will be familiar; others, not so much.

We will continue to add quality writers who share common resume genetics in the coming weeks and months. But Unheralded.Fish is not an exclusive club for former Herald journalists.  As Ann Bailey explained on Facebook last week, contributors — writers and photographers and illustrators — can hail from anywhere.  We do have quality and legal standards that need to be met.

There is power in numbers and simply put, the more voices Unheralded.Fish includes, the richer the site will be.

We are not quite one week old. We admit we have some heavy lifting to do on the presentation end of the site and we’re working on it. There’re quite a few developments in the works. To see them, you’ll have to check back and stay tuned.

Happy reading.

2 thoughts on “About US: We are one week old and growing…”

  • Tim Madigan January 19, 2015 at 7:44 am

    This is awesome. Honored to be a part of it.

  • David Vorland January 23, 2015 at 4:57 pm

    Sounds like fun!


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