
PAULA MEHMEL: Shoot The Rapids — Morocco, Day 1

What started with a loose screw ended with a magical encounter with a painting that has long been one of my favorite works of art. So goes the serendipity of travel as I embark on another segment of “Travels with Paula—Moroccan (and unexpectedly Madrid) edition.” (Time to silence my posts if you don’t like my travelogues.) After getting up at …


DAVE VORLAND: It Occurs To Me — A Picasso Moment

In 1974, I took the above picture of Pablo Picasso’s most famous painting, then displayed in New York’s Museum of Modern Art. “Guernica” was created in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War to protest Nazi Germany’s terror bombing of that undefended and militarily unimportant village. Picasso loaned the huge 11-by-25-foot work to the museum at the beginning of World War II. …