
DAVE VORLAND: It Occurs To Me — Harvey Hornets Forever

I took this picture (below) a week ago today during a brief visit to my hometown of Harvey, N.D. Since I graduated 56 years ago (gasp!), this former high school has been converted into a junior high and a new structure built elsewhere in town for the “upper grades.” I’ve long realized the education I received as a Harvey Hornet was superior, …


DAVE VORLAND: It Occurs To Me — Going Home Again

It’s said you can’t go home again. That was even the title of a book by Thomas Wolfe, and others — Proust and Hemingway among them — came to the same conclusion. I accept the premise logically, but not emotionally. So this past Sunday, I again found myself driving 442 miles from my current residence in Bloomington, Minn., to Harvey, …

DAVE VORLAND: It Occurs To Me — You Can’t Go Home Again

I photographed this dilapidated farmhouse (above) just south of Wellsburg, N.D., in August 1969. A shadow of what it once was, I had lived there as a child. Shortly after I took this picture, the new owner burned it to the ground. A neighbor who witnessed the fire told me “it died hard.” When I was in the eighth grade, …

DAVE VORLAND: It Occurs To Me — Butte de Morale

I’m feeling nostalgic as I write this, a mood brought on by snow falling outside my window. Reminds me of North Dakota. Friends may previously have seen this image, on Facebook or even in person. In 2010, the University of Washington, which owns the original, scanned and printed a copy for display in a historical exhibit I curated, “When the …