
RON SCHALOW: Trump Kicks Truth Cold Turkey

Bored mingling is suddenly interrupted by an almost familiar woman moonwalking into the White House press room with her middle fingers extended and aimed at the gaggle of journalists. “What’s up, jerks?” When she gets positioned behind the podium, the woman poses as if beseeching the harsh lighting to be kind and bellows in a deep, guttural baritone: “The Base’ …


RON SCHALOW: Port Whine, Part 4 — Failing Up

Rob Port is hot, and not just because his defroster is stuck on high in the minivan, and certainly not due to any physical activity. The Forum Communications golden boy is moving on up to the east side of Minot, to the land of Oley, Roscoe and the stockyards. Or so I’ve heard. No one knows why. He’s a great …

RON SCHALOW: The Congressman Wears Prada

Donald Trump was standing at the podium, addressing a joint session of Congress, explaining to the American people how badly the State of the Union sucked, and they best hide. Stupid Kenyan! He gazed to the right when some of the Democrats laughed after a sentence because the words were so absurd, based on reality, it was impossible to muffle …