
TOM DAVIES: The Verdict — Congress Deserves Failing Grade For Work Ethic And Motivation

Why would anyone want to serve in the Congress of the United States in the political climate of today? Take North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven, for example. Unlike most high-ranking Republicans, he does not have the courage to denounce racism, bigotry, misogyny, sexism and other attributes of his party’s presidential nominee. Back in the day, anyone who uttered the statements …


MARTIN C. FREDRICKS IV: Four The Record — Big D And The Fourth Estate

The press is in a pickle. By their own guidelines for what constitutes news, journalists have to report on Donald Trump, aka The Donald, or, as I like to think of him, Big D. But every time they do, he gets more free exposure for his message. Even so, the presumptive Republican nominee for president of the United States has been beating up …

JACKIE QUALLEY BRODSHAUG — View From The Valley: An Open Letter To Sen. Bernie Sanders

Welcome to Fargo! I’m delighted you’re coming to visit. I have closely followed your campaign and applaud your concern for the “folks,” as those of us with Norse ancestry call the middle class. I congratulate you for inspiring so many young people to get involved and continuing your campaign across this country, even to North Dakota. But do you remember …